Industries We Serve.


The constant battle to be more efficient, longer ranging and more competitive in the aerospace industry translates to being stronger, lighter and more cost efficient in the engineering realm. Fidelis can help you achieve all of the above.

The aerospace industry is one of the true origins of finite element analysis. The necessity for safety is obvious and the drive for light-weighting and thermal performance will be just as well recognized by experts in the industry. Almost every component of an aircraft will require some form of analysis, and often multiple.

Fidelis’ engineers have experience in CAE for both flight hardware and aerospace tooling, which is subject to strict OSHA codes and standards. Get in touch and let us help you with your next aerospace based project.

When you collaborate with the Fidelis team, you get what YOU need. We take great care in understanding the engineering challenges that you’re facing and are passionate about seeking the most innovative solutions. With decades of experience creating, running and post-processing advanced simulations, we’re confident that we can become your trusted simulation partner.

Need help with aerospace simulation? Contact us.

We are here to help. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.